Saturday, July 28, 2012

Popping my vomit cherry

Just wanted to check in. I had a rough night/morning nausea wise.

I threw up for the first time last night and actually felt better after. I decided to go watch my kickball team play, but we didn’t have enough to play unless I played so I decided to play.

It felt good to get my mind off things and I played alright given the circumstances. I got a few hits and even scored a run. I tried to drink as much as I could since I was sweating, but I don’t think I should have drank so much so fast.

I got home and vomited again, pretty bad. My wife called the doctor and he called in some Zofran for me. I took one and was able to keep some food down.

I woke up with a stomach ache, but felt OK. Dina left to get the kids and for whatever reason I got full of anxiety about going back Tuesday and threw up again. I felt a little better after.

Now I’m just trying to write this and take my mind off things while I wait for my wife to get back with the kids.

I really miss them and got a chance to play with Ben yesterday. He still doesn’t quite get the concept of his power wheel, but we still had fun. He has a birthday party to go to today where the Tigers mascot Paws will be there so it should be fun.

My mom is coming to watch Emma and I might go or stay home depending on how I feel.

Well that’s all for now, but with the start of the Olympics I’ll share a song that’s helped me get through some tough times the past day.

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